Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sh*t happens for a reason. Kan?

Today, I have learned that it is not okay to just nod and agree with others.
I learned that everything is going the other way around, and the saying 'buat baik dibalas baik' no longer exists. (Well, there's an exception if the balasan baik is from Allah).
I also learned that there's a kind of virus, a very dangerous one, which has polluted people's way of treating another human for the sake of their personal benefit. And I wonder what kind of people will we have in the society in the years to come.
Nowadays, if a person is being too nice to others, she'll be called stupid, rather than being acknowledged for whatever good things she's done for others. Orang ambil kesempatan lagi ada lah! Grrr

The moral of the story is: Stop being too good to others. Being good is enough. Too good is too much! Hehe. The nicer way to say it is - Be moderate in whatever you do.


Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr