I hate HATE my student ID number it's very difficult to remember.
I love TESL 5 (the students I'm tutoring) they're very nice and very nice. My vocab is limited, sorry.
I did my first M.Sc presentation it was great!
I missed undergrad life, I really do, I want to be the makcik kepoh I was back then and I also miss the other makcik kepohs.
I have a lot of assignments and most of them are journals/ articles I have no idea what to write about and the worst part is that I realize that procrastination is BAD but I procrastinate so that is the worst part. (Did I repeat the worst part twice? Okay I did)I love TESL 5 (the students I'm tutoring) they're very nice and very nice. My vocab is limited, sorry.
I did my first M.Sc presentation it was great!
I missed undergrad life, I really do, I want to be the makcik kepoh I was back then and I also miss the other makcik kepohs.
I miss my friends I want to meet them but I always have something up during weekend and I'm not giving excuses, I promise it's not the "I'm busy,really-but- I can go out with my boyfriend pulak" excuse. I really am busy and I'm sorry for not being able to catch-up.
P.S: I need a break SOS