Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Fantabulous Day.

I'll start off with a Hello, Goodbye poem.

Hello, 2009
Goodbye, 2008.

Gee, that was easy. (Selalu mcm susah je nk buat bila Dr. Jaya suruh buat poem begini. Lol).

Anyways, our family had the very first Family Day. It was fun-kampung style event, really. Most of us managed to make it. There were lots of activities being held according to several categories and age groups. For me, the best part of it was to see my uncles and aunts who (mostly) have their own grandchilds, act like a kid themselves especially when they played the musical chair. And so I knew that my dad loves to play it too. It was hillarious.

My brothers participated in the Fishing Contest. Unfortunately, they didn't manage to catch any fish. Not even one. But here is a picture of them, I think they had fun at least, since it was their first attempt. I blame the technology for introducing online games and whatnot, leaving them with no choice but to enjoy sitting in front of our PC 24/7.
Brothers, cousins and uncle.

BTW, I participated in one of the categories and apparently I won the first prize for Pertandingan Tiup Belon Paling Besar. Kategori 18 tahun keatas. Okay, it was not THAT challenging. Okay, not at all. Haha. But hey, I won.

Us, in action. I'm the second from right.

Prize giving ceremony. :)

It was a tiring day. But its worthit. Anyways, Happy New Year Y'all.

P/s: How did you guys spend the very first day of the new year?


blodyn said...

Wow.. you don't even need other people's family to join the family day. Just ur extended family is enough. haha.

mimie_t said...

Haha. I'd have to agree to that

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr